(4.60) Trustpilot
Studio Stars is a concept store located in Copenhagen, focusing on smaller designers and artists worldwide. We collect upcoming designers and give them a platform to support and challenge each other to reach a common higher, to ping pong their way forward and ahead. With a big blue door you almost can't miss our storefront, some people call us "the store with the blue door." NSS Magazine said this about us in an artificial about the top 10 best clothing stores in Copenhagen "We start with my personal favorite: Studio Stars. Located on a side street to the Copenhagen Central Station, this basement shop exclusively fosters young, underground, talented designers who challenge the status quo. The stuff you find here is simply not to be found anywhere else. Once you step through the Cobalt blue door, you’ll usually be met by the eclectic owner, Casper Enzo Enersen, his fun DIY interior, and his artistic girlfriend Christina, who sometimes tattoos in-store, creates cute ceramics and makes their popular in-line airbrush collections. Their combined vision locates, drives, and supports Copenhagen’s most talented underground designers, and they also curate a wall of amazing vintage finds. To me, this is the epitome of why you go out shopping – to be surprised by garments. To see something that hasn't already popped up on your timeline. And here, all of your spending go to a young entrepreneur with a bleeding passion for fashion, and to those underground designers you pick off the racks and fall in love with – which just feels good."